Tuesday, April 1, 2008

At last we have Internet and Cable in our home.

The Aleman's
Mario, Brigitte, Gaby, Cookie and Oreo

Yes, I know how silly is this. But we've been going through some rough times and finally are able to connect internet and cable in our home. It only took us about 7 months, but who is counting???

Things are finally coming along with the Aleman clan.

Mario received a promotion in this current job at Interval International, only after 3 months within the company. Gaby is going to school like always and enjoying the days of beating up other kids. And I'm just doing the same old thing, working, working, working. I'm actually doing a side job with a good friend of mine Justine, she is the founder and owner of Fabulous Fetes and Events by Justine Rojas. We work together on coordinating weddings and preparing everything for the day of the event. Things are going great. I need to get my ass to church and thank God for all his good doings for us.

I can finally add more updated pictures of our lives as we live in this crazy world.

Gaby got her first Library Card!

On Easter Weekend we went to the Zoo.

Gaby with daddy.