Wednesday, January 27, 2010

It's almost a year since I posted

I can't believe I have let my poor little blog collect dust and cobb webs!!

So much has happened that it will take me another year to update you, but here is a quick run down!

Gaby turned 5 and is in VPK! My little girl will be starting Kindergarten come fall 2010.
Mario and I turned 26!
We rang in the new year with family and friends.
We moved to a bigger and better place.
We celebrated 2 years of marriage.
I started school again. I'm so happy that I have a fabulous macho that pushed me to keep my dream alive and allowing me to study until the weee hours of the night while he watches and does bedtime with the kids.
I have become close friends with my "online" girls!
Mario is going bald and I'm growing gray hairs!
I have learned to cherish the now moments, be grateful for what I have.
We finally after so long are getting our financial ducks in order!
FINALLY, MR. A will be turning ONE! My little macho is just so yummy-lish!

I am truly blessed to have such great friends, awesome family, an amazing husband and most of all crazy kids who love keeping me on my toes (and giving me gray hairs!)